
William Edward (Bill) Greene





A senior-level application development or web development position that will utilize my extensive programming experience and project management capabilities. Current development focus is Visual Studio 2005 with C#.NET applications (WinForms) and C# ASP.NET (WebForms) with SQL Server. Previous experience includes VB.NET, ADO.NET, .NET XML Web Services, Visual C++ with MFC, Visual Basic 6, COM, Microsoft IIS, Active Server Pages, VB Script, JavaScript and HTML.




Thompson And Company (Thompson Cigar, Casual Living, LinenSource, Café Belmondo) Tampa, Florida

.NET Systems Developer (May 2005 to present)

·   Responsible for shipping (order fulfillment) system - including all enhancements and production support - that ships about 10,000 packages daily. Software based on ConnectShip commercial package with ASP modifications, a large VB script, a COM object for customized labels, a Windows service and DTS package for invoice import, an End-Of-Day Windows application, a large ASP.NET intranet application and SQL Server 2000 tables, stored procedures, indexes and triggers.

·  Added e-mail capabilities to shipping system to notify management of daily shipping volumes and notify me of close-out status eight times daily. Daily close-out summary is sent to my cell phone for remote monitoring.

·  Designed architecture and wrote software for Data Warehouse project as real-time link between mainframe (HP 3000 MPE/Cobol) system and e-commerce website. System is SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2003 cluster administered by Qwest. Project included all SQL Server table, index and stored procedure development, Windows service in C#.NET and intranet ASP.NET application with multiple reports, etc.

·  Moved ConnectShip system to fault-tolerant architecture with dual Windows Server 2003 / IIS 6.0 behind Coyote Point System load balancer.


NexTrade Holding, Clearwater, Florida

Systems Developer (November 2001 to April 2005)

·  Lead architect and developer with project management responsibilities for the “NexTrade Futures Exchange” project, which involved the trading of spot foreign currency, futures and options.

·  Key member of development team for ProTrade.NET - a client written in VB.NET that our proprietary traders used to trade NASDAQ securities using the NexTrade ECN. Components of ProTrade.NET include an order book, level 1 and 2 quote windows, SmarTrader, portfolio management and NASDAQ and Dow Jones indexes.

·  Designed and wrote SmarTrader for the ProTrade.NET client. SmarTrader is a multi-threaded automated stock trading system that submits trades depending on market conditions. A sample scenario is “If the Dow Jones index has three upticks, buy 1000 shares of MSFT at best bid. Cancel the order if the Dow Jones has three downticks. When the order is filled, sell 1000 shares of MSFT at best offer.”

·  Technical lead for project that converted NexTrade messaging from a proprietary format to XML, including recordset and dataset messages with XSD (XML schema definitions.)

·  Designed and implemented a self-clearing process for NexTrade using a VB.NET front-end and .NET XML web services with ADO.NET on the back-end.

·  Design and wrote the Order Information application, which 'slices and dices' orders in a variety of ways over daily and monthly periods and uses the Excel ActiveX control to automatically create detailed Excel spreadsheets including Excel charts/graphs.

·  Wrote the ASP.NET XPO calculator ( which uses Office Automation to dynamically produce Excel spreadsheets for browser display.

·   Performed many SQL Server 2000 functions such as database design, creating indexes and triggers, writing stored procedures with temp tables, cursors, etc.

Tech Data Corporation, Clearwater, Florida

Development Specialist (September 1996 to October 2001)

·  Project manager and C++ programmer for the TDonCD Electronic Catalog - distributed quarterly by Tech Data to 75,000 customers. Served as team lead for two junior programmers.

·  Authored GetProd, an automated internet download program using Visual C++ 5.0 and WinInet technology that hundreds of customers used daily.

·  Designed and authored Tech Data’s primary web security and ID/password administration tool, the EC Admin Tool, using Visual Basic 5.0 and SQL Server 7.0 stored procedures.

·  Wrote the web site Line Item Open Order Report and RMA Form. Coding included VB Script with Active Server Pages (ASP), HTML and JavaScript.

·  Enhanced TDEC, the Visual Basic COM object used by the Tech Data web site to interact with SQL Server, calling stored procedures using ADO and working with recordsets.

·  Designed and authored an internet push client (TDlink) for Tech Data customer price files using Visual Basic 5.0 and the WinInet.ocx control which the Business Analyst said would save the company millions of dollars.

·  Designed and authored Tech Data’s TechSpec distribution program using Visual C++ 5.0, DB-Lib, Codebase, SQL Server 6.5, automated WinZip & WinZipSE calls and an InstallShield script.


Waters Corporation, Milford, Massachusetts

Senior Development Scientist (April 1989 to August 1996)

·  Key member of the Millennium development team, which became the leading chromatography software in the industry. Software development based on Borland C++ 3.0, Glockenspiel CommonView C++ classes and Oracle 6 for Windows 3.1.

·  Key member of the Millennium 32 development team for Windows 95 and NT using Microsoft Visual C++ 4.1, MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) and Oracle 7.0.

·  Specifically utilized inheritance and virtual functions for extensive code reuse in implementing Millennium Mass Spectrometer software as introduced in Atlanta for Pittsburgh Conference 1993.

·  Performed many database roles including table design and SQL statements for Oracle database as part of Millennium software.

·  Managed V1.1 release of Millennium PDA software in December of 1992.

·   Participated in ISO 9001 TickIT validation of Waters Software Development Group.

·  Wrote mass spectrometer software on DEC Ultrix and ISC Unix workstations using Glockenspiel C++ and Motif with X Windows.


Extrel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Data Systems Analyst (January 1987 to March 1989)

·  Learned C and the Windows SDK to develop a post-acquisition triple quadrupole workstation as the company’s first involvement in PC-based data systems. The product was based on a Compaq 386/20, Microsoft C 5.0 and Microsoft Windows 2.1.

·  Added user search library capabilities to Extrel ELQ-400 FORTRAN software on DEC PDP 11/73 - called by one customer "Extrel's best software program."

·  Jointly administered the Extrel Analytical School, instructing GC/MS and LC/MS operation.




Doctor of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry (May 1988)

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Automated Peak Correlation and Applications of Principle Component Analysis to GC/FTIR & GC/MS


Bachelor of Science summa cum laude in Chemistry and Physics (May 1981)

Erskine College, Due West, South Carolina


Arts & Science Diploma - Graduated 3rd in class of 400 (June 1977)

Saint Petersburg High School, Saint Petersburg, Florida




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